What a beautiful day it was yesterday! The beach was very busy even though its only March. We saw a very unusual pigeon on the rocks. It was jet black with white tailbars and an iridescent green ruff on its back. It was very tame, hopping right up to us. As it was ringed I think it must have been a fancy pigeon who had got a bit lost. Maybe it just fancied a day at the seaside!!

In the evening we saw the amazing full moon there is at the moment, with the moon closer to the earth. It was very bright.

I have been learning to use some new embroidery software we bought and it looks very good. The photostitch part is excellent so when we are confident with it we will be able to offer this service. The website has been updated and the new designs are all up,

check out my sparrowhawk,

– he was a challenge!