July 2011

Oh dear, haven’t posted for 2 weeks, this is not good! I have been working on the website though, I decided I need to add colour sheets to all our designs as for some reason I didn’t do this in the first place. This involves reloading all the designs again as zip files. It is very time consuming as its eight items for each design and you have to scroll down and mark each one off in a list of every design on the site. The list is in RANDOM order, so it takes forever to find what you are looking for!! Why didn’t I do it in the first place?? I don’t remember is the answer.

Our elderly Abyssinian cat, Cajun,
had to go to the vet last week as his arthritis was getting much worse and he had been limping badly. While giving him a check-up the vet discovered his gums on one side looked very unhealthy and infected. So yesterday he went in to the veterinary hospital to have some teeth out and possibly a biopsy. I was very stressed by this as he had cried bitterly all the way to the vets last week. Normally he is a silent cat! The veterinary hospital is much further away. But he was a good boy and much calmer this week.

The very good news is that he didn’t need a biopsy, just some teeth out. He managed to eat his breakfast this morning still. He is on meds for his arthritis and they seem to be working as his limp has gone and he is much happier.

I have finally managed to get my animal alphabet collection of all 26 designs online ready to sell.


These would look great embroidered onto sections of a patchwork quilt. They would also make a terrific child’s alphabet book. Purchased individually the designs would cost over £50,  but as a collection we are selling them for the bargain price of only £19.99. So if you own or know someone who owns an embroidery machine then this is a great buy.

Now I had a great time wandering round our Classic Car show on Sunday and as it was a gorgeous day I did take lots of lovely photos so here are a couple of my favourites.

I love the blue flames on the front of this one, but my absolute favourite was this beautiful  gold Panther Corolla below.

Isn’t it stunning? And finally one more –

This lovely old 1940’s Austin. A real British vintage car. There were lots of great American classics, especially Chevrolets, and a whole row of TVR’s in a rainbow of colours, to which my Daughter’s response was “Keys??”

Where is this year going? I can’t believe it’s July already! Three more weeks and the schools break up. Our sleepy town will be busy again for a few weeks.

Our new free machine embroidery designs for July are now available on our website http://www.embroiderycrazy.co.uk/shop/specials/ .

There is a pretty spray of flowers and this 

home decor design. They are available for instant download in a range of formats so if you know anyone with an embroidery machine send them our way.

We have a classic car show in our town on Sunday which is always well attended so I shall be there with my camera to hopefully get some decent photographs. Watch this space!